State based Funding and Subsidies for Training and qualifications

Funding the development of your team

As an employer you may access^ a range of government funding to help you train and develop your people. Opportune has funding support available for business in a number of States in Australia. These subsidised training programs include the following:

The Queensland Government subsidises training based on its targeted priority industry areas to support employers and individuals with training that leads to employment in areas of high demand in the Queensland’s critical industries. Opportune Professional Development may be able to assist in the following programs:


User Choice (apprenticeship and traineeship funding)

The User Choice program provides public funding for the delivery of accredited, entry level training to apprentices and trainees.

You can find out more information on the Queensland Government Department of Employment, Small Business and Training website for User Choice.


Skilling Queenslanders for Work

Skilling Queenslanders for Work is a suite of targeted skills and training programs supporting Queenslanders to gain the skills, qualifications and experience to enter and stay in the workforce.

Skilling Queenslanders for Work requires employers to be part of applications by community based organisations. Opportune is approved to supply training that is approved as part of these applications.

You can find out more information on the Queensland Government Department of Employment, Small Business and Training website for Skilling Queenslanders for Work.

Opportune can assist employers and individuals to access NSW Government subsidises for training in specific traineeship areas through the NSW government subsidised program that subsidises training in qualifications up to and including Certificate III.

Opportune Professional Development may also be able to assist employers and individuals by offering training that is partially subsidised by the NSW government – reducing business or individual investment. Current approval for funding is for School Based Traineeships in a range of areas in NSW.

You can find out more information on NSW Government – For Employers.
Alternatively, you can find out more information on Education NSW Government – For Individuals.

Smart & Skilled

Opportune Professional Development is a Smart and Skilled provider in NSW. Smart and Skilled replaces the NSW Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. It helps people in NSW get the skills they need to find a job and advance their careers.

Smart and Skilled provides eligible students with an entitlement to government-subsidised training up to and including Certificate III as well as government funding for higher-level courses (from Certificate IV and up) in allocated priority areas. The approved qualifications available under Smart & Skilled NSW are:
  • SIR30216 Certificate III in Retail Operations^
  • BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
  • SIT40422 Certificate IV in Hospitality
  • BSB40920 Certificate IV in Project Management Practice
  • BSB51820 Diploma of Project Management

^ Available to School Based Trainees only.

Fee Information

Under the Smart and Skilled initiative, we must charge a student fee set by the government. Please refer to the Smart and Skills Fees Information to find out what fees you will need to pay for your desired qualification.

You can read our Fees and Refunds Policy for more information on how fees will be administered and refer to the current Smart and Skilled Fee Administration Policy before deciding to enrol.

Opportune Professional development is an Endorsed RTO in Tasmania. This means we are approved to delivery training and assessment in Tasmania that may be funded by the Tasmanian government. The Tasmania Government offer a range of funding programs including:

Apprenticeship and traineeships

Tasmanian government funding is available to support your apprentice or trainees and assist with eh cost of the accredited training required for these qualifications.

Train Now

Train Now is the Tasmanian government response to assure rapid response to training needs in a rapidly changing world work and workplaces. It may assist to support delivery of a single unit or skills sets to existing employees or jobseekers where there is immediate or unexpected need (subject to Departmental approval).

To learn more, you can go to Tasmanian Government Skills Tasmania Subsidised Training Programs.

Opportune Professional development has a Funded Activity Agreement in South Australia. This agreement allows training on Opportune’ s list of training products, that is approved by the South Australian government and listed on the subsidised training list to be subsidised when delivered by Opportune. This means we are approved to delivery training and assessment in South Australia and if its on the South Australian priority list subsidy may be available.

For more information get in touch with our team or you can learn more on the Government of South Australia Skills SA Subsidised Training List.

Opportune Professional development has a funding training contract with the Western Australian State Government – Department of Training and Workforce Development. Under this contract Opportune Professional Development is recognised as being on a panel of providers who may deliver funded training to eligible participants in Western Australia

For more information, you can go to the Government of Western Australia Department of Training and Workforce Development Subsidised Training Programs.

^subject to funding eligibility and co-contributions to training.

Want to learn more about our innovative approach?

Take a look at our qualification program guides to see the ways we can deliver a nationally recognised qualification to your team.
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